
Bicarb Bath

Bicarb Bath

Pure Bicarbonate of Soda in your Bath

Are you aware of the beneficial uses that a Bicarb Bath can achieve? Pure Bicarbonate of soda can help alkaline the body and aid in the treatment of various conditions due to it's anti fungal properties. It is also useful as an alternative chemical free cleaning agent.


  • Bath alkaline soaking to balance the pH of the skin.
  • Cleaning and removing caster oil from the skin after a caster oil application.
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs) Soaking in a Bicarb Bath may help to neutralize the acid in your urine, remove germs, and aid in healing. It may also relieve painful urination. Add ½ to 1 cup of Bicarb Bath to a shallow warm bath and soak for 20 minutes.
  • Candida: Bicarb Bath can help soothe inflamed skin and reduce irritation and itching. Soaking in a warm tub with ½ to 1 cup of Bicarb Bath may help reduce symptoms.
  • Heat Rash, Sunburn, Skin conditions. Add ½ cups or more of Bicarbonate of Soda to your bath water. This also helps to smooth and soften skin and can be very relaxing.
  • Insect bites and rashes: to relieve discomfort. Make a paste with water.
  • Brush your teeth and whiten them. Wet your brush with olive oil and dip it into the dry Bi-carb and brush.
  • Deodorant: Combine ½ cup of bicarbonate of soda with ½ cup of corn starch and add a few mint leaves. Shake and pour into a container with a lid. To use: apply with dry washcloth & dust on. Alternately reuse an empty spice jar and sprinkle onto damp armpit. For unscented deodorant, omit the mint leaves.
  • Household Cleaning. Simply use as a deodoriser and cleaner around the home.

See our Bicarb Bath here: