Enemas: When constipation occurs some people cannot move their bowels for several days. If constipation persists for longer than 36 hours it becomes extremely harmful for the whole body. Waste materials such as impacted faeces, dead cellular tissue, accumulated mucous, parasites and worms accumulate in the bowel to provide a breeding ground for the development of a variety of digestive disorders. These materials are very toxic for the body and can re-enter and circulate in the blood stream making people sick, tired and very weak. Diet coupled with probiotics and an enema, provide effective treatment in addressing the problems of constipation and assist in detoxifying the body. In many cases, the constipation is resolved through oral Probiotic treatment and implementation of the GAPS diet.
Enemas provide:
- Effective and prompt relief from consistent constipation.
- Cleans out the faecal compaction from the bowel and reducing the toxins formed by the accumulating putrefaction.
- Provides a means to introduce beneficial bacteria.
- The gentle filling and emptying of the colon improves peristaltic (muscular contraction) activity by which the colon naturally moves material.
Most enema procedures direct the patient to lie on the left side to take their enemas, however Dr. Campbell-McBride wanted the patient to lie on their right side. This position, allowed gravity to assist in the flow of the Probiotic past the descending colon, just around the “corner” of the splenic flexure, and into the transverse colon for higher penetration and better release of toxic faeces.
Be sure to provide 3-4 Bio-Kult capsules to the enema to repopulate the large intestine with friendly bacteria.
If the patient is consistently constipated with an extended tummy, we encourage you to go to a certified registered colon Hydrotherapist / Irrigationist and ask them to assist you in giving an enema because it is important not to leave a person constipated for longer than 36 hours because it is very toxic for the whole body.
Click here to go to the ‘Australian Colon Health Association’ to find a registered Colon Irrigationist / Hydrotherapist in your area. If you ask your Colon Hydrotherapist, they can add some probiotics to your enema to repopulate the bowel. It is important to see your Dr if constipation persists.
Many serious diseases can be averted through this gentle efficient technique. Enemas are a key factor in the GAPS Protocol for restoration of the body’s natural balance and overall quest for vibrant health.
View our Enema and Colonif Kits here