
Olive Oil is therapeutic

Olive Oil is therapeutic

Extra virgin olive oil is essentially a fruit juice – but without the sugar! It is obtained when oil is extracted by mechanical means (no excessive heat or solvents) from fresh, good quality olive fruit. Extra virgin olive oil contains wonderfully healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat.
Fats are essential to human life and make up a large part of our bodies. Without fat our bodies are unable to absorb vitamins A, D, E or K. This means that if you are spending your precious time making a healthy salad or vegetables but eating them without fat, your body can not absorb all of the magnificent vitamins present in those foods.
Extra virgin olive oil is full of antioxidants such as polyphenols which can help protect the body from fight inflammation and help prevent the cholesterol in our blood from becoming oxidized. It also is a powerful detoxifier and therefore is an important part of the GAPS Diet from Stage 4 onwards. Start adding cold pressed olive oil to meals, starting from a few drops per meal and gradually increasing the amount to 1-2 tablespoons per meal.
When selecting olive oil, it is important that it has been cold-pressed, as heating damages its delicate micro-nutrients. It should be stored in an opaque bottle or cask. Keep your oil in a low, cool, dark cupboard, or in the refrigerator if you use it infrequently.
A good high quality therapeutic Olive Oil (as sourced and provided in the GAPS Shop) is as good as taking a daily supplement, only within your meal itself in the form of real food. It is good to make a habit of doing this with all your meals to thrive on it’s benefits.…/