The flu vaccination scandal in WA was bad enough but now the news reveals the death of a two year old Brisbane girl just 12 hours after her vaccination in April 2010. Coincidence: I think not. With GAPS conditions reaching epidemic proportions we have to educate ourselves of the risks involved to our children and to our own health. All individuals presenting with GAPS have a compromised immune system which do not react to environmental insults in a normal way. Vaccinations are a massive insult to the immune system and should only be considered for healthy individuals who meet the proposed vaccination procedure set out by Dr Campbell Mc Bride in the GAPS Book.
My son was advised by our first paediatrician to have the meningococcal vaccine when he was 2 months old which required two boosters shortly after that. This is when he became inconsolable and would not let us touch him (first signs of autism). The result of immune system injury emerged from 3 additional vaccines shortly after the age of two months compared to the rest of Australia who were not scheduled to have this shot until they were 12 months. My daughter had a vaccine in Primary school which resulted in facial paralysis and extreme pain and pins and needles in her arms.
Please refer to Page. 67 in the GAPS book to educate yourself on the appropriate vaccination precautions. We have provided you with further links below to aid you with further resources to educate yourself with vaccination and its harmful consequences.