Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride has developed dosage guidelines for supplementing probiotics based on the recommended daily dose of colony forming units per the below age cohorts.  In addition to this, she has also configured a criteria on how to choose a probiotic and Gutbiome Synbiotic ticks every box based on the GAPS Probiotic Supplementation Criteria. 

GAPS Probiotic Criteria

1. A probiotic containing a variety of strains - Gutbiome Synbiotic Powder contains 18 Beneficial microorganisms including yeast Saccharamyces Boulardii

2. A probiotic containing a mixture of different species - Gutbiome Synbiotic Powder contains a mixture of strains from 4 different species

3. A probiotic containing colony forming units strong enough to survive the acidic journey to the lower GIT  with at least 8 billion CFU per serve - Gutbiome Synbiotic Powder contains 23 Billion CFU per serve (2 scoops or 3 capsules) which allows for incremental dosing when introducing for the first time or for measuring different dosage requirements based on condition or age.

The daily dose for Gutbiome Synbiotic Powder is 23 Billion CFU (2 scoops).  The below guidelines represented in this table is based on Dr Natasha Campbell-McBrides dosage recommendations for GAPS patients in supplementing Gutbiome Synbiotic powder but it does not include suggestions for higher doses recommended by Certified GAPS Practitioners and is not the specified dose suggested by Gutbiome Synbiotics for acurate dosage claims. Please refer to a health care practitioner for guidelines specific to your healthcare needs.



Build the dose up slowly:

Start from a very small amount (as indicated in the Dosage table introductory dose) and increase the dose in small gradual increments as die off symptoms disappear. Keep increasing the dose until the full dose is reached. This period of building up the dose can take from a few weeks to a few months in different people but it all depends on your individual symptoms and most people can reach the full dose within 2-3 weeks. Specific conditions may require less or a higher therapeutic dose with one to two additional scoops added on top of the GAPS suggested dosage guide per age group and your Certified GAPS Practitioner can help you determine this dose. The full therapeutic dose should be maintained for six months to remove the pathogenic flora and re-establish healthy gut flora. After 6 months GAPS patients should continue taking a maintenance dose of probiotics for the rest of their life or continue on the therapeutic dose if immune compromised due to severe digestive disorders.

The best time to supplement Gutbiome Synbiotics:

First thing in the morning or last thing at night when stomach acid is at its lowest.  Mix with water, juice smoothies or yoghurt.   Do not supplement Gutbiome at the same time as consuming Sauerkraut or HCl & Pepsin (Betaine).  These should be supplemented at different times with at least an hour (minimum) apart from one another.

Temporary and common reactions associated with mild bloating or flatulence when introducing a new probiotic may be signs that the microorganisms are remodeling your gutbiome with the introduction of new beneficial friendly bacteria and these symptoms will pass.  For this reason we recommend introducing Gutbiome Synbiotics gradually in small incremental amounts over time.

Seek medical advice if diarrhoea persists for more than: 6 hrs in infants under 6 months, 12 hrs in children under 3 years, 24 hrs in children aged 3 to 6 years or 48 hrs in adults and children over 6 years.