Herbs of Life Organic & Raw Sauerkraut with Beetroot & Ginger is handcrafted with certified organic green cabbage, certified organic beetroot, certified organic ginger. A traditional and wild ferment with Celtic sea salt.
No added preservatives, no starter culture, or other additives. Nothing but real organic ingredients, perfect for your journey to improved gut health!
certified organic green cabbage, certified organic beetroot, certified organic ginger, Sea Salt and love.
Keeping Kombucha
Kombucha is best kept refrigerated. We aim to bottle each batch to capture best level of fermentation to taste, so refrigerating it when you receive it will preserve this. Being naturally carbonated due to fermentation, if you leave it out of the fridge and depending how warm the ambient temperature is, you should expect it will become more effervescent and vinegary/sour to taste.
Alcohol Info
Kombucha fermentation is lactic acid fermentation not an alcoholic fermentation. The sole objective of kombucha ferment is to produce lactic acid and probiotics not ethanol - unlike beer, wine, or cider.
The only input that can vary ethanol is the initial sugar levels, and or the combination with other alcohol producing yeasts. Alcohol will not increase if left out of the fridge.
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